Introduction: Bring in a few food items (some healthy, some non healthy) and have the class make predictions on whether the foods shown are healthy or non healthy. After hearing student predictions and a short class discussion, tell the class which foods are healthy and which are not. Explain that during this unit students will learn how to make healthy choices in the foods that they eat.There are great brain pop jr. videos on nutrition and health to help with your introduction.
Essential Question: What are ways for me to stay healthy? What foods are healthy?
Teaching Concept: Staying healthy is important. Choosing the right food to eat and daily exercise will keep our bodies and brain healthy.
Below is a link to a slideshow of some pictures I took in my classroom during the unit. The pictures include the teaching concept, our room library, a food pyramid on our student created board to show what they know/have learned about the unit, an exercise log we kept as a class for the duration of the unit, and an ABC book of healthy foods that the students created:
-Make a class cook book full of easy recipes for healthy meals
- Bring in play food and have students sort into healthy/non-healthy buckets
- Eating healthy all day long: as a class make a plan for a healthy day of eating (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) on chart paper for a shared writing activity. Follow up by having each child complete their own individual sheet: eating healthy all day long
-Make a list of indoor and outdoor exercises for a shared writing lesson
-Journal Entry: What is your favorite exercise and how does it keep your body healthy?
Introduction: On the first day of the unit I had a friend of mine who is a nurse come in and tell my class what germs are and why it is important to wash your hands. She then did a demonstration on the right way to wash your hands. After she demonstrated the proper way to wash hands, the class took turns in pairs washing their hands the right way. Now that the class were "experts" on keeping germs away, I had them color a picture and "sign" there name on this certificate to indicate that they were now "germ stoppers". As always, brain pop jr. has a great video on germs to help with your introduction. Another idea for an introduction is to get your hands on some germ glow lotion and a black light. Have the children rub a small amount of lotion on their hands then put their hands under a black light. The lotion that they see represents the germs that are on our hands. Then have the children go wash their hands properly and come back to the black light. They should see little to no germs left on their hands. A very visual way to see the importance in hand washing.
Essential Questions: How do I stay well? What are germs? Why do I need to wash my hands?
Teaching Concept: Germs are a group of tiny living things that can make our bodies sick. Germs can be found everywhere and can cause disease. You can keep germs away by washing your hands before and after you eat, after you to to the bathroom, after you blow your nose, touch an animal, or touch garbage.
Shared writing lessons:
- create a list of times when you should wash your hands
- create a list of where you might find germs
- Write the steps to properly wash your hands
Germ Activities:
-Tell the class that you need their help. Tell them that right here, in their very own school, other students need to know just how important it is to wash their hands. Give them some options to get the word out there: create a poster with words and pictures, make-up a song or skit, invent a game, etc. (you can get creative with other options).